Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4 July 2021

It was his home. He was the carpenter, the son of Mary…and a member of a large family group. We know them. We know all about him.

But they could not handle his wisdom and mighty works. Nazareth had never produced anything startling.

Perhaps, for the first time, Jesus experienced what the great messengers of God had experienced down the long history of God’s people, powerlessness…he could not compel acceptance. All the great experiences that we have recalled these past weeks were of no consequence here in his own village, amongst his own family. Sometimes that happens to members of our own family, of our own village. A member goes travelling, or off to the big city or to a higher place of learning and can never settle back home, can never again feel acceptance ‘at home’. 

The role of the prophet, or the bearer of news asking us to do something new, e.g., vaccinate for a fresh disease, no matter how many needles we have received from our dentist or taken willingly to achieve a ‘high’, that news is often met with scepticism and refusal. Likewise, when deeper reflection on the word of God invites us to get involved with a ‘good work’. Such news can provoke a “why me?” response.

Yet we need prophets. 

We especially need prophets of the true God to remind us of the Good News. 

We need people among us to exhibit wisdom and work mighty deeds.

We need such people who keep proclaiming and, sadly from our point of view, keep proclaiming despite rejection. Jesus sadly moved his mission from Nazareth at that time. He now concentrated on his new family. But he continued to exhibit wisdom and perform mighty deeds. 

This week try to identify a person in our Church community and one in our Civic community who is in the mould of the prophets of old. Hold them in your prayers…we need them even, if like the master, they suffer rejection in their own home.


Mons Frank