The end of our liturgical cycle is imminent.
The feast to end the year of Mark is closing in on us. Against our weeks of reading, pondering, praying, we face the checkpoint…have I moved just a little towards being the person our Loving God wants me to be?
On the journey, we have had to cope with many conflicts. Uppermost in our community is the burden of Covid with its tales of harrowing illnesses, deaths, lock ups and isolation.
Our generation has been experiencing a call in our time that has challenged generations in the past and is spoken about by Mark in these last few words of his Gospel. Some have expressed it in these words:
Life versus death,
Light versus darkness,
Hope versus fear,
Certainty versus uncertainty.
One needs to appreciate the truth of these words in the early Christian community. They were a minority. Their beliefs impelled them to speak for the lonely, lost and the last. They proclaimed belief in One True God and in Jesus; crucified but risen. Many saw their actions and were troubled. Learning of their beliefs, they were judged to be a source of danger to the existing order. They needed to be eliminated. Hence Mark’s words:
“…after the time of distress, the sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will come falling from heaven and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.”
But don’t lose hope.
We might try to express this concern for our faith in these or similar words:
- the recent escalation of mental health issues,
- the growth of violence, family and State sponsored,
- more talk of war,
- I just want to get away from it all.
Again, we are reminded that the Word will not pass away.
As we prepare to offer our gift to Christ the King next Sunday, let us base our response on the firm belief of our Tradition: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.
And pray with more attentiveness, “Thy Kingdom come.”
Mons Frank