Equipes Notre-Dame
Teams is a Movement for married couples and typically a team is a group of married couples who meet together monthly over a meal in the home of one of the couples.
We share a simple meal, we share the highs and lows, the joys and concerns of our lives during the past month, we reflect on Scripture, pray together and discuss material on married life and faith.
Couples from all stages of life (newly married, child rearing and empty nesters) can be part of Teams. It is not parish based, but it is advisable for couples to live in the same geographic vicinity. Since this is a lay association, lay couples hold all positions of responsibility.
Team life does not consist simply of meetings. Couple spirituality is encouraged through practising ‘Endeavours’ that invite us to:
- Every day read a little of God’s word
- Every day talk a little to the Lord
- Every day say a prayer or two with your spouse (and/or family)
- Every month share your thoughts with your spouse
- Choose an aspect of yourself that you might try to improve
- Every year try to make a retreat with your spouse
This international movement was formed in France in 1939 and now exists in 82 countries and has 130,000 members, including 8000 priests and religious. It is the largest lay movement supporting the Sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church.
What Teams of Our Lady is Not
- We are not a Marian Movement, but Mary is our patroness.
- We are not a prayer group, although we pray.
- We are not a Gospel discussion group, although the gospel is central.
- We are not a social group, although we have fun.
- We are not a business or parish committee, but we do follow an agenda.
- We are not a marriage counselling group, although listening to others can be beneficial.