Victoria East
History of the Vic East Region
The first Australian team was formed in Melbourne and so naturally this is where the growth of Teams began in Australia. With this growth it became necessary to break into sectors which, as is obvious from their names, are grouped along the rivers, namely:
- Gardiner sector
- Maribyrnong / Plenty sector
- Yarra sector, and
- Southern sector.
In 2018, Bob and Cath Dixon took over the Regional Couple role from Ange and Ron Waanders. During their time as Regional Couple, they have continued to work through the 5-year plan for the region which has now seen the introduction of a new governance model.

Victoria East is one of the regions of the Oceania Super Region, is mainly centered around Melbourne and also includes team in Gippsland, Geelong and Tasmania.
As at 2016, Vic-East has 31 Teams with around 300 members.
Visit the Photo Gallery.
Catch up on the latest news in the Vic East Newsletter
Victoria East – Regional Couple – Cath & Bob Dixon
Treasurer and Subscription Secretary
Brian Rochford
New Governance Model
Regional Gatherings Task Group – Ron & Angela Waanders, Gerard & Marie Wood, Karen & Bernard Drane.
Married Spirituality Task Group – Murray & Maureen Cullinan (Convenors), Garry & Maureen Mahon, Rose Marie Prosser, Bernie & Maureen Parker
Regional Membership – Rob & Bernadette Pell (Database Couple)
New Teams Task Group – positions vacant
Responsible Couples 2016 Guide
We encourage you to use this resource through the year. Importantly, please remember that it is to be handed to the RC who takes over from you next year.
We hope that the year is enjoyable and fruitful for your Team and for each member in it. As you meet together in Christ’s name we trust that you will continue to grow closer to each other and to the others in your Team, and to your God.
From the Vic-East Regional Team