The assault in Sri Lanka on Easter Day was, and is, an assault on faith; and not just Christian faith. Like Christchurch; an attack whilst people are at their devotion and prayer. The assault upon Jesus, too, was an assault on devotion (“I have come to do the Father’s will”) and prayer (“into your hands I commit my spirit”). The forces of evil that attacked Jesus, ultimately because He offered people an alternative way of being and living, are still at work today for fundamentally the same reason. They do not like what we preach, despite our failings, nor our attempts to practise what Jesus demonstrated, “Love one another as I have loved you”.
For Thomas, the way to belief and change in his life came from the invitation to “Put your finger here; look, here are my hands. Give me your hand; put it into my side.” Perhaps for us today, we too need somehow to put our finger and our hand into the wounds of the Body of Christ that surrounds us. We can’t be indifferent. The wounds are many. Nominate those in your area of influence. Be brave and thrust out your finger and hand.
The Resurrection story also has another incident that offers us hope. That initiative by the lake shore; when Jesus broke bread and fish at breakfast. Seizing the moment, He turned an otherwise simple gathering to one pregnant with meaning. We need to be alert for these quasi sacral moments. They are there and we can all act in a similar manner.
Our continued prayers for the victims of both atrocities.
Let’s find ways to support families affected in our neighbourhood.
Mons Frank