Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 30 October 2022

We have made it to Jericho. It is now uphill to Jerusalem. Our journey with Luke finishes in the Temple on Week 33 and we will find ourselves at the cross on the final Sunday. So, as Scripture says, we “gird our loins” for the final ascent to Jerusalem.

Today’s readings are full of joy, almost like a last celebration of hope to strengthen us for the terrible events on the hill.

Wisdom shares that beautiful truth…“had you hated anything, you would not have formed it”. Makes the mind race back to the Book of Genesis…“God saw all he had made and, indeed, it was very good”. Bishop Joe Grech was fond of saying, “God does not make rubbish”.

We are not surprised to hear that “they all complained when they saw what was happening”. Good deeds today often are scorned in the current woke environment. That crowd could not handle Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector. He was successful. He worked for the Romans. He must be a sinner!

For Jesus he was lost; lonely, lost and last.

However, he sought out Jesus and welcomed him joyfully.

It is in hospitality that salvation comes, and Zacchaeus hastens to open the door to his house, and his soul, for He must stay at his house today.

Let us continue to be people of hospitality. People who share our possessions as Zacchaeus did, prior to meeting Jesus, and more so afterwards.

We often build tree houses for the kids. We all, possibly, find ourselves in those tree houses every now and then. Don’t let the moment pass when you hear, “Come down. Hurry. I must stay at your house today”.

As Wisdom says, “You love all that exists”…including each one of us.


Mons Frank